DOI: 10.23951/2782-2575-2022-1-23-30
Abstract. The article deals with the development trends of the modern Russian system of secondary vocational education (SVE). The current state of SVE in the Tomsk region is described. Regional peculiarities and strategic goals of transformation of SVE in the context of socioeconomic development of the region are presented. A theoretical rationale for the cluster approach to the development of the SVE system is provided. The need for productivity changes in the regional SVE system using the cluster approach is demonstrated. A project for updating the SVE infrastructure in the Tomsk region, reflecting the principles and mechanisms of cluster policy, is proposed. The basic characteristics of two clusters – educational clusters and educational-industrial clusters – are presented. Scientifically justified hypotheses about the regularities and the effective functioning of these clusters are formulated. Cluster-driven organizational and pedagogical methods of integrating SVE practices and continuous professional development of the current personnel of the real economic sector are pointed out. Methods, management tools, and conditions for successful integration are mentioned. Conditions for the realization of pedagogical interaction between subjects participating in industrial cluster communities are presented. The existing practical experience of the Tomsk region with clusters in SVE transformation is summarized. Socioeconomic and pedagogical prospects of interaction between clusters and networks in SVE for solving urgent and future tasks at the regional level are predicted. The materials of the article are based on the results of educational design and research methods of theoretical analysis, survey, and expert method.
Ключевые слова: socioeconomic development of the region, secondary vocational education, cluster approach, cluster policy, cluster-network interaction, education-industry cluster
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Выпуск: 1, 2022
Серия выпуска: Issue 1
Страницы: 23 — 30
Скачиваний: 399