DOI: 10.23951/2782-2575-2023-3-5-24
The objectives of preparing teachers for the implementation of the innovative subject area “Fundamentals of Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Peoples of Russia” within the framework of the introduction of the updated federal state educational standards, basic educational programs, and the federal list of textbooks. The authors focus on the main problems of teacher training, namely, guidance on modern, innovative methods and techniques for teaching the subject under the title “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics.” They point to the need to emphasize the valuable fundamentals of the course, to guide the training of teachers at the regional and local levels, to critically analyze existing experience in the application of effective methods, and to solve acute problems related to the content of the subject and teaching methods. The main problem is the lack of preparation of teachers for the implementation of this course, their insufficient scientific understanding of traditional Russian spiritual values, which form the core of the culture of each people, the understanding and acquisition of which theological knowledge is important, which is not studied by future teachers during their professional training at pedagogical universities. The authors see possibilities to improve the situation in the continuing education system by introducing a theological knowledge module. Theological knowledge is understood here as the result of the process of cognition and personal understanding of the religious tradition and its authentic reflection in the mind of the teacher on a cultural basis in the form of concepts and value-semantic life guidelines.
Ключевые слова: религиозный компонент в светском образовании, теологическое знание, культурологический подход, духовно-нравственное образование, повышение квалификации учителей
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Выпуск: 3, 2023
Серия выпуска: Issue 3
Страницы: 5 — 24
Скачиваний: 267