Manifestations of Magical Thinking in Psychology Students
DOI: 10.23951/2782-2575-2024-3-51-64
Contemporary psychology has shown an increasing interest in exploring alternative methods by which people rationalize their perceived reality. This research trend is a reaction to the growing prevalence of unconventional and extravagant approaches to self-development that explain psychological problems and suffering. It is also a response to the growing demand from clients for ‘exclusive’ and extraordinary self-improvement practices and crisis management solutions triggered by instability and change in various areas of public life. These practices, based on magical forms of perception and thinking, are increasingly becoming part of psychological services offered not only by pseudopsychologists or charlatans but also by business- and money-oriented psychologists. In addition to the conceptualization and theoretical exploration of magical thinking, there is a growing need to identify its various manifestations in modern life. This includes the identification of meaningful and behavioral markers to assess the degree of normality or abnormality of its manifestations. This article presents theoretical insights and empirical findings on psychology students’ attitudes toward magical thinking. The study shows that the intensity of magical thinking decreases with progressing education and that students are more critical of the relevance of magical thinking for their future professional practice. Nevertheless, belief in paranormal phenomena is still widespread among students. The study participants believe that magical thinking occurs as a resilient cultural phenomenon in their everyday and educational practice. They also recognize its potential application in professional psychology, albeit in limited instances. Although their education influences the extent of magical thinking, it is not the decisive factor, as other studies have shown. Interest in magical practices, occult beliefs, and superstitions does not completely disappear after graduation. This interest could be due to the ongoing methodological crisis in practical psychology, which has not yet completely detached itself from esoteric practices rooted in magical thinking.
Ключевые слова: mindset, professional thinking, magical thinking, education, practical psychology
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Выпуск: 3, 2024
Серия выпуска: Issue 3
Страницы: 51 — 64
Скачиваний: 161