DOI: 10.23951/2782-2575-2022-1-31-40
The state of modern preschool education in Russia and Mongolia is discussed in this paper. It is pointed out that preschool education is an integral and full-fledged part of the state general education system in both countries. This paper notes that preschool education aims not only to prepare five- to six-year-old children for school education but also, more importantly, to develop a healthy personality and self-esteem in preschool children. It is concluded that the system of preschool education in Mongolia is still at a developing stage, while Russia has enough experience to expand and enrich the education system as a whole.
Keywords: preschool childhood, preschool education, school preparation, preschool institutions of Mongolia, Russian education system, education through playing and gaming
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Issue: 1, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 31 — 40
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