DOI: 10.23951/2782-2575-2023-3-68-80
This article examines how young people with different gender identities perceive disease and how their attitudes toward disease might be influenced by their gender roles. The study presents the results of a diagnostic analysis examining the relationship between gender identity and different ways of thinking about disease. The study draws on the biopsychosocial model, emphasizing psychological factors in health assessment. It is found that current trends in social development view the concepts of “disease” and “health” not only as physiological states but also as psychological states. The research analyzes studies showing that individuals with different gender roles have completely different behavioral patterns, including health protection. The experimental results obtained suggest that behavioral patterns are influenced by gender identity. When considering specific disease symptoms, it is essential to consider the individual’s psychological characteristics, especially the effects of his or her subjective perception of social gender. This consideration is very important in formulating the therapeutic approach to various disease conditions.
Keywords: health, disease, subjective attitude to disease, gender, gender identity
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Issue: 3, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 68 — 80
Downloads: 226