Ensuring the psychological safety of modern children in pedagogical interaction
DOI: 10.23951/2782-2575-2024-1-36-47
The study focuses on the organization of pedagogical interaction with modern children in the context of ensuring their psychological safety. New challenges and threats related to the digitalization of all areas of life are considered, which must be taken into account in the organization of pedagogical communication and management of interaction with children of Generation Z. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the question of the psychological safety of children in the educational environment is approached from two angles: age psychological and information-pedagogical. The first approach is based on taking into account the specifics of Generation Z when interacting with it, while the second approach involves the prudent use of digital technologies in education, taking into account the risks and threats that may arise from their use. Traditional teaching methods are being reconsidered due to the new challenges of the digital generation and educational innovations. It is emphasized that teachers should develop pedagogical skills, increase their competence, and develop a value-based attitude toward children’s personal development. The identified risks and threats represent a particular aspect of pedagogical work that ensures children’s psychological safety in the learning process.
Keywords: personal development under the conditions of digitalization, new threats and risks, psychological safety for children, the pedagogical authority of adults, pedagogical interaction
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Issue: 1, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 36 — 47
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